"Semper Fidelis" and "Service Above Self" - two mottos that have shaped my life, First as a Marine and then as a Rotarian. These aren't just words; they're a call to action that echoes across generations, continents, and cultures.
I remember the day in January, 1967 as I stood on the parade ground at San Diego, my body aching from weeks of grueling training. As we shouted "Oorah!" in unison, I felt the weight of 192 years of Marine Corps history on my shoulders. Little did I know that years later, I'd feel a similar weight as I received my Rotary pin.
In both worlds, I've witnessed extraordinary acts of selflessness – Marines acting heroically to save their brothers-in-arms; Rotarians work tirelessly to eradicate polio from the face of the Earth. Different battlefields, same unwavering commitment.
One scorching day in Vietnam, I watched a fellow Marine give his C-rats to a starving Vietnamese farmer. Years later, I saw that same spirit in Steve Brown, a Rotarian from La Jolla Golden Mile Rotary, who, despite the dangers of Taliban rule, dedicated himself to building schools for girls in Afghanistan. These moments aren't anomalies; they're the lifeblood of our organizations.
As society rapidly evolves, both the Marines and Rotary have resisted immense pressure to change our core values. While we've adapted our methods - from bayonets to drones, from local fundraisers to global initiatives - our principles remain unshaken.
These two organizations stand as bastions of almost boring constancy. Neither is perfect, but each day we strive to live up to our ideals. The need to do what's right.
As I look at the young faces joining our ranks - both in the young Marines we host from Camp Pendleton and in Rotary - I see the same fire, the same dedication that I saw decades ago. It gives me hope. It reminds me that while the world may change, the human capacity for service and sacrifice remains eternal.
So whether you wear dress blues or a Rotary pin, remember: you're not just joining an organization. You're becoming part of our living legacy, a continuous chain of service that stretches back through time and forward into the future.
In a world desperate for stability and purpose, we offer a beacon of hope. Our unwavering commitment to service isn't just admirable – it's essential. It's what keeps our communities strong, our nations secure, and our world moving forward.
Excellent contribution Ray!